Monday, September 14, 2009

Coffee Label

I calculated the other day and if I'm buying an average of 2 caramel fraps from Starbucks a week, within one year, I've spent $445.12 on coffee alone! Now consider the person that buys one every single day...that equals out to $1112.80 in coffee a year! As I'm drinking it, I'm telling myself it's totally worth it to spend a measley $4.28 each grande cup, until I realize I could have paid off two months of my school loans with my yearly expenditure on coffee, or had a nice shopping spree, or paid almost 15 volleyball tournament fees, or a number of other things that I'm sure are more important than coffee. Starbucks so should charge you less if you don't get whip cream...then maybe I could justify it!

Anyhow, the point of this is that I LOVE coffee. Ask me over 2 years ago and I would have said it was disgusting, but the old adage is true that you "acquire" a taste for it...well, more of an addiction. At the wedding, I've decided to give out little bags of coffee for my favors (because Costa Rica is famous for coffee, get it)?

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